Sun. May 19th, 2024

Check out the new App section. After the crash all pages are being redone. This section of the site shows some of the applications I used on my phone to help track my progress. I moved away from some to use others but like them all for what they did while I was using them.

I hope listing the apps helps you in your decision to use any of the apps I did. All of them have free versions to start with and also have an option to go “pro” for more advanced tracking and guidance.

I think my favorite three apps would be Strava. For tracking my runs and keeping track of my progress over time. My fitness pal helps me track the calories I eat and links well with my watch software and Strava to track burned calories. But the best of all is Charity Miles. With Charity Miles I can give back every time I run. They have a long list of charities you can donate to. I donate to Stand Up To Cancer, figure after smoking for 30 years I may need them to be around.

Use the apps you feel comfortable with when you …